No to dark spots; Yes to brighter skin with Pynocare

As someone who was born with quite a fair complexion, keeping up with it has been a struggle. To think that I'm not wearing sunscreen on a daily basis and with everyday sun exposure, I'm obviously just adding more to my problem of uneven skin tone. But probably I'm not the only one as dark spots have always been a common problem for women especially for Filipinas like us who often find ourselves under the sun. Good thing there’s Pynocare - the first ever, safe and effective oral de-pigmentation capsule.

The best part? It is 100% natural. Manufactured by MegaLife Sciences, a renowned Thai beauty pharmaceuticals company, Pynocare is a dermatologist-proven effective to combat dark spots or melasma. If you haven't heard of Melasma, it is a kind of dark spots which are skin-deep and most commonly caused by sun exposure as UV rays trigger overproduction of the melanin levels in the skin. It can also be caused by hormonal imbalance and harsh cosmetics. But whatever may be the cause of our dark spots, it's good to know we can combat it all with Pynocare. 😊

Additionally, Pynocare contains MSCC Complex (Melasma Skin Clear Complexion) which is a patented combination of powerful antioxidants specially formulated to address dark spots at its root cause and other damaging free radicals.  Each capsule is packed with vitamins and nutrients that are good for your skin such as Betacarotene and Ascorbic acid. By taking it 2x a day after meals, you’ll see results in as early as two months. Pynocare retails for only  1355 pesos per box with 20 capsules in it and is available in all leading drugstores nationwide.

****Caution: Pynocare is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women and those under 18 years old. ****