It’s been ages since the last time I’ve written a blog post, and I know I shouldn’t wait for my 24th birthday or any special event in my life to finally start writing again. But here I am, back at it with hopes that I’ll be able to continuously share more either on the blog or vlog from this day on. 😊
For my 24th birthday I actually had no definite plan despite having a lot in mind ---- romantic birthday dinner with my beau, night-out with friends, simple celebration with my family or a quick getaway to either Baguio or La Union. Until 2 days before my birthday, I had finally decided to have a KTV night with my high school friends, which we had done last year only this time it’s at a different venue. 😉 Luckily, despite the short notice I was still able to get a reservation and sent invites to my friends right away.
Now onto the day of my birthday, Anthony and I were supposed to go to Binondo to explore some Chinese food that morning. But the weather’s been unpredictable lately and we couldn’t risk the possibility of exploring Binondo on a rainy day. Instead, we got on our feet on the way to Trinoma to finally … finally, buy a new camera. Yay! We were supposed to do it the night before but I was having second thoughts because it’s going to be another expense on my end. But you know what? It’s actually one of the best gifts I’ve given myself. I used it during our KTV night and it was so so good! Oh, by the way, it’s the Sony A6400.
Back to the story, we had a pretty big room last night, unlike last year’s. As always, I’m grateful to have my OG friends to celebrate my birthday with, and I’m glad that my girlfriends were able to bring their partners along with them too. Our group barely hangout together with THE boyfriends, so it’s pretty nice that this happens.
It was a fun night that I honestly didn’t noticed it was already 4 in the morning, until my friends started talking about going home. Haha. At the same time, I was so sleepy that I’ve even slept in the taxi while we’re on our way home. But this whole night-out shebang didn’t end there yet. As we all know, there’s always the after-party hangover, which could be terrible at times. As for me, it’s not bad but there’s this hangover, indeed. Yikes!
I woke up with an irritating headache and a need to get all of the alcohol (and food) out of my tummy. My biggest fault is I didn’t do some water therapy during and even after all this drinking. Uh oh! So, for half of the day, I focused on nothing but cure my hangover. I even had to cancel with my friend as we were supposed to have our ears pierced. Good thing, by throwing it all up, eating a soup, drinking lots of water and having a nice afternoon nap; I felt better around 2pm and even get myself an ice cream. Thank God grab food exists! Lol.
I’ll end this by saying that I’m officially 24 years old! I truly appreciate all my friends and of course, my family. I like birthdays because it reminds me of the people who really matters in my life. Call me sentimental but I treasure all those birthday greeting, especially those sent via private message; it just means that these people have taken time to at least leave a message. 😊